The North American British Music Studies Association

The North American British Music Studies Association

North American British Music Studies Association Biennial Conference 2016: Call for Proposals

The North American British Music Studies Association will hold its Seventh Biennial Conference from Thursday through Sunday, 4-7 August 2016, in Syracuse, New York, hosted by Syracuse University. Proposals on topics related to all aspects of British music and musical life throughout Britain, the Empire/Commonwealth, and beyond are welcome. Syracuse University is home to the Department of Art and Music Histories, one of the oldest in the country dedicated to the study of the arts in an interdisciplinary context, and to the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, one of the nation’s top communications schools. Thus, the program committee particularly encourages submissions that draw upon interdisciplinary or broader cultural contexts or that engage with media aspects or studies.

Presentations may take a variety of formats, including individual papers of twenty minutes in length, workshops involving group participation, roundtable discussions, lecture-recitals, and themed panel sessions. The Nicholas Temperley Prize will be awarded for the best scholarly presentation given by a graduate student.

A new addition to the program this year will be a colloquium, featuring a group of senior scholars invited to participate by the NABMSA executive board, who will address a topic that cuts across chronological, methodological, and geographical divisions within the discipline.

Proposal format and content

Proposal transmission procedures

More information about NABMSA and its activities may be seen on the Association’s web site,

Submissions will be acknowledged within four days of receipt. Participants will be notified of the acceptance by mid-March 2016. Program Committee for 2016: Christopher M. Scheer (Utah State University), chair; Linda Austern (Northwestern University); Lisa Colton (University of Huddersfield); Ryan Ross (Mississippi State University); and the President of the Society (ex-officio).