The NABMSA Newsletter was replaced by the NABMSA blog and NABMSA Reviews after the Autumn 2013 Newsletter. An archive of past newsletters is available here.
NABMSA Reviews is devoted to providing the membership of the North American British Music Studies Association with information on recently published books of interest and is openly available to both members and non-members on the NABMSA website. NABMSA Reviews is currently published twice yearly.
Please submit materials in MSWord or a compatible format, double-spaced, with the author’s name and institutional affiliation or location included at the end.
NABMSA Reviews uses the Chicago Manual of Style as its style guide. Although we study British music, we follow the standards for American, rather than British, English spelling, punctuation, and other written-word conventions. However, if your spell-checker prefers “colour” to “color” and you use single quotes as a matter of habit, do not worry; we will make the necessary edits prior to publication.
Scholars interested in reviewing for NABMSA Reviews or authors wishing to have their work reviewed, please contact the Reviews Chair.
The former NABMSA Newsletter is now our Blog. We encourage submissions of materials including articles on recent and upcoming NABMSA events; general NABMSA information; calls for papers for conferences and publications in related areas; employment notices for jobs in areas of interest to members, including both academic and non-academic positions; notices of recent books, articles, scores, and recordings of interest to members; and editorials or articles regarding issues of concern or interest to members for inclusion in either our newsletter blog or our Facebook page.