North American British Music Studies Association (NABMSA): Code of Conduct
The North American British Music Studies Association (NABMSA) aims to promote, across the the North American continent, the study of British Music from all time periods; to provide a collegial and supportive forum for discussion through electronic and other means; to provide a clearinghouse of information on the study of such music; and to foster regular meetings to discuss the same.
As a society, NABMSA will:
This Code of Conduct applies to all members and participants at all NABMSA-sponsored activities (including social events), whether in-person or online. Enforcement authority is vested with the session chairs, event organizers, and the Board of Directors and Executive who may act in the moment, if the situation warrants, to remove individuals from an activity or session, or from the entire event.
Such incidences as described above should be discussed at the subsequent meeting of the Board and the Executive. Other complaints of alleged violations to this Code of Conduct can be directed to any member of the Board or the Executive at any time and should be reported to these groups as a whole. Any incident, if deemed necessary after discussion amongst the Board and Executive, can be investigated by an ad-hoc committee formed by the President. This committee will be required to report to the Board and Executive in a timely manner and may recommend initial or additional measures. The outcome of this process should be reported, respecting anonymity, to participants of the next membership meeting. Measures may include suspension from subsequent meetings or conferences or even, in extreme circumstances, being asked to leave the Society.
The Conference Code of Conduct sets out specific expectations for NABMSA conferences and meetings.