Dear NABMSA members,
At our business meeting at AMS in November 2013, I proposed and the board agreed that we should move much of the content previously published in the NABMSA Newsletter to a blog format. The biggest reason behind this shift is so that NABMSA can post news and other information with expiration dates–like calls for papers, job listings, etc.–in a more time-sensitive manner. NABMSA news, letters from the President and other officers, calls for papers, and other announcements will now show up here, so please add this site to your RSS feed manager or check back often.
Michelle Meinhart is the blog editor-in-chief, and there is a new blog committee, whose members will be posted over at the Officers page. If you have an item you think would be of interest to NABMSA members, please contact Michelle directly for it to be evaluated for posting.
Book reviews–an important part of the Newsletter–will be published separately as NABMSA Reviews, which will post twice a year as PDFs on the NABMSA site. If you’re interested in reviewing books or have a book you’d like reviewed in NABMSA Reviews, please contact Christina Bashford, the Reviews Editor.
I hope these changes will make keeping up with NABMSA easier for you, and I encourage everyone to submit news items, CFPs, and other materials of interest to our community to the blog for publication.
Best, Kendra Leonard