The North American British Music Studies Association

The North American British Music Studies Association

NABMSA Reviews (Vol. 4, No. 1) Now Available

The latest issue of NABMSA Reviews (Vol. 4, No. 1) is now available. It contains reviews of books on British hymn books for children, Bedford’s choral society, Gilbert and Sullivan, the music of Frank Bridge, and the commercial side of art music in the 19th and early 20th centuries. 

Musicology Now has a new (and minimally controversial) blog post. Elina Hamilton explores whether or not Queen Elizabeth II really has an honorary doctorate in musicology.

The latest issue of NABMSA Reviews (Vol. 3, No. 2) is now available. It has reviews of books on the player piano in the Edwardian age, the sea in the British imagination, nineteenth-century London concert life, identity in Irish music, the British symphony and the London Royal College of Music Library.

If you haven’t had a chance to visit Not Another Music History Cliché, then you’re missing out. NABMSA’s own Linda Shaver-Gleason has been taking on the persistent myths and misinterpretations that keep popping up in program notes, blogs, and other writings. The most recent post tackles W.H. Auden and Benjamin Britten.

Syracuse University News has a fascinating piece highlighting Amanda Eubanks Winkler’s work on staging Restoration Shakespeare. It’s worth a read for anyone interested in Shakespeare, the Restoration, or historical staging practices.

We are pleased to announce that the following people have been elected to serve as officers and board members of NABMSA. They will take up their posts on January 1, 2017.

Vice-President: Linda Austern
Treasurer: Therese Ellsworth
Board Member: Christina Baade
Student Board Member: Imani Mosley

Congratulations to these members and thanks to all who stood for election!